Painful Healing

During the local church service, the pastor asked the congregation if there were any prayer requests. After a few moments, a woman stood up and stated “I would like to thank everyone in the congregation for the prayers and support extended to my husband. Some of you know he was in a horrifying bicycle accident, and his scrotum was crushed. Your prayer and support kept him going through this painful healing process.” She then went on to describe the terrible pain her husband endured during the healing process. It’s not hard to imagine the looks of pain on every man’s face as she went on, but she finally, mercifully ended her recounting of those dark times. After she sat down, the congregation was stunned, and every man’s face was a little pale. The pastor then quietly asked if there were any other requests. Her husband then stood up and said “I would also like to personally say thank you all for your prayers and support, and I would also like to very publicly remind my wife that the word is sternum“.