So jag has 3 different housings set at 3 different angles. 0*, 6* and I think 3*. Well I happen to get the 6* what this means is the mounting surface at the top of the diff case is at a 6* angle to the pinon at 0*. So taking in account that this unit it not solid mounted it will flex some. I set my mounting angle at 5* so my pinon is at 1*. My trans it at 4* this allows me 3* flex under load. Then I had to figure out how much swing in inches a 5* angle will change my axle location on 8" from axes, turns out to be about .5" so I had to place the hole unit .5" forward of center to get the axles centered. It sounds soo much easier typing it out lol... Doing it was a pain in the ***! and the math was ******* with my head... :BangHead: