What equipment is needed to spray epoxy primer?

Disclaimer...I am no painter.

In fact the most painting I have done is with rattle cans so I was a bit apprehensive about painting some small parts. I bought ( for better or worse) Lakewood 2 part epoxy primer ( 50 / 50 mix made that part really easy) I bought a cheap high velocity low pressure touch-up gun from harbor freight ( I figured if I messed up the gun i'm out $20.00) I already had a small pancake compressor. I test sprayed a few seconds and went after the part. I cleaned the gun and pored out the excess paint. waited the amount of time per the instructions and put on a second coat. If it hadn't been for the wire of the hanger scratching the surface while it was still wet it turned out perfect. smooth no runs etc. It was about 60 degs out side in the sun so I took the part into the house to finish curing. That's my story. You are painting the entire car so I would assume a larger compressor and a larger gun but I think the process is about the same.

A shop I had my fender repainted at did not have a booth and painted in the open air. not sure what steps they took between coats then clear but it turned out fine for a daily driver I couldn't find any signs of dust etc.

I know the pros are cringing right now. But this is my experience.

Hope it helps.