More Torque than Hp?

I don't get why we have to keep arguing this TQ vs HP every time it comes up.
These are just two sides of the same penny. One side has a picture of Ruler on it, and the back has a picture of his house.The Ruler owns the house. The house is bigger than the Ruler, covers the Ruler. and welcomes in the new Ruler after the first one is done. If you burn down the house, the Ruler has no place to stay. If you shoot the Ruler, the house is empty. One is useless without the other.
It's all about perception. We like BBs cuz they have more inherent torque at low rpm. Sure you can build a SBM to come close to it, But then it has no power at high rpm. You can build the BB for high rpm power, and it's low-rpm torque will still embarass most SBMs. Mostly we are referring to the curves on the graph. And so it is perfectly natural to refer to one or the other.
I mean who says I have 114 hp at 2000 rpm; nobody I know! We say I have 300 ftlbs at 2000. Why? Well, because it's BIGGER. that's perception. And nobody I know says I have 350ftlbs at 6000 rpm. No we say I have 400horsepower at 6000. It's BIGGER!
We all know what they are and how they are related, and how to use the numbers. I for one don't need an education every time.