Stop in for a cup of coffee

When you read an article like that and it enters your mind that maybe it’s a stunt, it the same process as conspiracy theory. You believe that it could be a likely scenario and look at things that way in everything you see. There is nothing in that story to suggest in any way that it is a stunt or conspiracy to discredit a proposal regarding teachers carrying guns.

The point is that your brain has no basis to consider the possibility, much less conclude that it could be and then state it publicly. Only the underlying assumption that somehow it could be morphs the interpretation of the evidence into a justifiable consideration despite the obvious conclusion that it isn’t justified.
For the record, I believe that part of the reasons all mass murderers carry out their plans is because they view it as a publicity stunt. They want to make a name for themselves.

Do I believe that there is some super secret society of elites pulling the strings? No.

Do I put it passed people to carry out an act like this when the debate on how to protect our kids and schools heavily involves the arming and training of teachers? Absolutely not. It's fully in the realm of possibilities. And it for sure wouldn't be the first time.

Bottom line is , some people in today's society have been shown to be nuttier than hell and they do things that most rationale folks like us would never even think of. For reasons beyond our logical thinking.

I don't believe in conspiracy theories. I DO however listen to those that do. Why? Because as nutty as it seems, somewhere in some of them there is a kernel of the truth.

Example: the whole lack of WMDs in Iraq... that theory was out there long before we even went in. Then it was eventually proven.

Example B: the CIA funded Bin Laden was long dismissed as a conspiracy theory immediately following 9/11. However, released documents prove that we did in fact fund bin laden in the 80s and arm him against Russia.

Now does this mean that every conspiracy theory will be proven true eventually? Hell no. Only a fraction of a fraction of a percent.

But I see no harm in listening to them and destroying them with actual facts. Case in point, flat earthers. I love destroying those folks' arguments with simple science