Stop in for a cup of coffee
Ugh. So, I took the Duster for a short drive this afternoon. Ran OK, but something seemed off. Vibration had been getting better last time I ran it, and now seemed worse again. So decided to put the new cap and rotor on I got from Hoppy. I pulled the cap off and the center of the rotor that is supposed to contact the cap is burnt,nearly gone. :wtf: Put new one on then had a ***** of a time getting the left side clip next to the oil filter to snap on the cap. Start swapping wires over and one of the tips stays in the cap. Had re-crimped a couple ends previously, so not really a big surprise. I decided to try it with the old wires I still had here in a box. Checked them with a meter and one didn't conduct. Found it was right at an end. Cut it back a little and it seamed OK. Put them on. Won't even start now. :BangHead: Think I might run up to AZ in the morning and get a set of their cheap store brand they show in stock...