Homeless Issues and Support

I commend the effort, but the problem isn’t that simple. Around 45% of homeless people are that way because of mental illness and no access to treatment. They are scared, mentally ill and fear society.

The solution is in medical treatment for their illness along with a path of support back to a normal productive life. Just giving them a place to stay isn’t the answer. The money needs to go to the treatment of their mental illness and the support systems to help them recover.

Only about 15% of homeless people just need some money to help get them back on their feet. The rest need a whole lot more.
Do you believe what you just wrote? Most homeless want nothing more than enough money to score their next fix! 33 years dealing as a F/F with the same BS stories I heard every shift. Rehab has a 70% failure rate. Sorry but I get so tired of hearing the "need help" story. Ok I'll shut up and bow out.