Homeless Issues and Support

Homeless, how can you fix the problem when they don't want the help? WE have spent over $22 Trillion on poverty in the last 50 years, and guess what: We still got poor people! And every one of us is a little poorer because of it too. Homeless is a huge prob around here. We just kicked out 700 'residents' of a tent city next to Anaheim Stadium, squatting in the flood control channel. Tons of garbage, feces and thousands of needles: Nice place to ride on the bike path, eh? We gave them 30 day motel vouchers and expect 70% of them back in the ditch by April, with new bed linen! There was a dude that lived there for 25 years! Its strange, we want to 'save' them more than they want to be saved. A plan floating around is to offer aid only to CA residents and bus the 'visitors' back to their home states. Man, I'd hate to be the guy sitting next to him for 200 miles!
I worked the 10-7pm shift in Downtown Long Beach for the phone company. In the winter months, I rarely left the truck after sunset. Now that I do cable maintenance, I work longer hours and there is always a 2nd or 3rd guy helping you after dark. Way too sketchy areas to have a $100,000 truck full of tools sitting on a dark street while your in the manhole. The freaks come out at night....save them? ~5 times a day Im approached for money. Ill give them a mint, that's about it.