Homeless Issues and Support

Do you believe what you just wrote? Most homeless want nothing more than enough money to score their next fix! 33 years dealing as a F/F with the same BS stories I heard every shift. Rehab has a 70% failure rate. Sorry but I get so tired of hearing the "need help" story. Ok I'll shut up and bow out.

Was a story in the Macon Telegraph years ago about one of the "regulars" at a real busy intersection close to the river in Macon. He routinely stayed under the Spring Street Bridge. Once he got busted and the cops found over 5K dollars on him. He told them he had made it in less than two weeks. LOL You're damn right that a lot of the homeless are perfectly sane and scammin however they can to get by. I still have my soft spot though. I do believe there are those who are honestly helplessly lost and do need help........but we caint save everybody and that's the cold hard truth.