Stop in for a cup of coffee

That is a mechanical failure one of the two. Shoot me a message I will give you my paypal so I can print out the postage and send you a good one, seriously you got lucky you did not get stranded. Seriously not hard just drop it in the same rotor position and time it.
except is it off now?
The other trick with the slants is gear. Its like intermediate on the small blocks. Sometimes got to pull it out again enough to move it one tooth over.
Before firing it up, may want to bump the engine (or turn the crank with a socket and arm) until the #1 poiston is at the top and balancer mark is at 0.
The make sure the rotor tip is about underneath the #1 wire.
Since its already been running, i doubt you'll be 180 off so no need to additionally verify its the compression stroke.