Omni GLH ,GLHS- Any Members Own One?

Currently, no. I've got a complete low mile '88 T2 on the stand, with a Shelby VC, 2 piece intake, rebuilt turbo, 2.5 swingvalve, stainless coolant/oil lines, A523 trans with shifter and cables, 3" exhaust, new shocks and struts, brakes are fairly new with stainless lines. And I've got a GLHS rad/ic setup that needs the rad recored.

I've actually got lots more stuff I'd maybe let go too. NOS foglight covers, NOS GLHS Stage 2 logic module, Direct Connection autoX springs, +40 injectors, Gbody rad/ic, pizza wheels, a bunch of extra interior bits, and more.

I love GLHs, but I've got two 340s in line to build up, my truck needs a engine and trans as well as some rust repair. Just throwing it out there right now.