okay guys...biggest pet peeve at car shows

People have no respect for other cars. Never leave you car open, Hood or trunk. This was the worst.

I walked to the Food stand not far away with friends and members of this site. As we returned I saw two legs and sneakers sticking out of my trunk on my Duster.. Having a pizza in my hands I walked up and yelled. He jumped from the trunk laughing and said he was checking my vin. as he scurried away.

After he disapeared in the crowd I saw he scratched my rear stripe. Someone new him and we went looking but he left. He is a member of Mopar Madness . They wanted to see if it was a clone.

The same guy was at the car earlier and was talking to his buddies. He made a comment that I ruined a nice car by changing the color . The car was originally Bahama Yellow. I painted it cobra orange. Someone in there group thought it was their car.

Now my son and I know the guys that were with him and their cars. What comes around Goes around.

I found that people at race tracks are a better crowd. After doing the show seen. racers walk around the car with their hands behind them. Not elbows on the fenders or leaning on it as they talk to the guy next door.