Stop in for a cup of coffee

Well I guess I didn't do a good enough job. On the original shirts.
Carry on.

OOooOO....I like mine
Same, but could use another. Been a while since FABO did shirts.

News here has been saying otherwise, whats up with that :wtf:

I am right on the fringe of it go 10 miles east there is some snow.
All that's left here is a coating enough to make the grass white
New York and New Jersey have a million folks out of power, snow has hit them hard
My daughter got about a foot of snow in Princeton. Big old Oak fell aside of the house. Power was out for a while. She is staying with a neighbor...
Well, we can see what side of the bed you got up on today.:mob::lol:

Well the gas in my truck has been killing me. So I picked up a cheap daily driver yesterday for 500$ It will be a good commuter car. Definitely going to have to make some mods just because I can’t leave stuff alone. It’s a 2003 Suzuki aerio with 175k 5 speed manual wagon. 32 mpg vs 10 I’m my truck

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Smart. Buy les gas, more mopar parts. Looks like the phone number was removed, so guessing that was previous owners business and you just didn't get the rest of it off yet?
Just went out to the shop set that nickel plater for a hour last night, going to use the hell out of the thing works great!
Why are you plating nickels? :poke:

Good Morning