Magnum wiring help

I am working on installing a 5.2 and 46rh out of a 95 ram in my 67. I have the harness and computer.
I have looked all over and can't seem to find the info I need.

Can anyone tell me what I need specifically to make it run?

Was planning on using the car wiring for the starter. And plan to install all the factory 67 guage senders along with the factory magnum sensors.
But I have a few questions..

Do I need an oxygen sesnor?

What year speed sensor also has the cable? Found...

Which wires power the computer / sensors?

What wires can be removed?

what about the evap system?

How did you run a fuel pump? lincoln ls ? Van? Truck?

My motor is pulled and want to get this done and on the road by the end of april.. Going to be my daily..
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks