Father, Son, and Grand Father project. 1963 Valiant

Today was a VERY productive day.

We popped the old freeze plugs out, cleaned the holes well, and with the aid of some red loc-tite, installed the new brass freeze plugs.


After the freeze plugs we moved onto the 90 degree oil filter adapter installation.

Since this was a truck motor it didn't come with the adapter. We sourced one from Cosgig, MOBRO extraordinaire.

Luckily our Felpro gasket kit came with all three gaskets for the installation.

After cleaning and installing and torquing the attaching bolt to 50 ft/lbs we called it good.


Next up, we taped off the surfaces we didn't want painted and cleaned and primed the bare metal engine.



After the primer flashed, we moved onto paint and clear. We kept rotating the engine to get into all the nooks and crannies but eventually got it all painted. It turned out great!

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All and all a productive day.

Thanks for reading. Eric and Jason.