Albertsons/Safeway Monopoly
Good luck bro, those 2 pieces are going to be tough tracking down. I believe there are game piece trading websites online that you can trade duplicate pieces for others. Back in 1979 Ralphs had a similar game with 2 Toyota Celicas as the grand prizes. (I remember this because the car was ugly) and my best friend was dirt poor. You had to get both halves of the car (on 2 stamps) His mom actually had the back half stamp, the one of 2 stamp, that she found in her purse 3 months after the contest expired! I felt so bad for her because she drove some POS Buick Apollo. Well, a month later her mom passed away and she inherited an almost new 4X4 Chevy S10 based SUV, cant remember what they were called, blazer?. So it all came out good for her transportation wise.