Why do all cars look similar/same/cloned now?

LOL!! Really? You've gotta be F*#king kidding Me, I challenge anybody to pick out '30's & 40's cars from each other that isn't a diehard car guy. And as someone who got
his operator's license in the early '80's, apparently You forgot that decade and a half from ~'78 to the early '90's entirely! There has been more styling variety in the last
20 years than almost any other 20 yr period(for better or worse), the progression from '55 to '75 would probably be the greatest 20 yr stretch.
Vehicle design is driven by styling trends & popularity, the understructure can be covered by almost any exterior facade, and an Omnirizon has a pretty damn good CD, it
isn't all aero driven either...it's just not.
I was just going to type this kind of response!
Look at the cars of the '20s, they all look the same.
The '30s? yep, the same.
'40s? '50s? '60s? '70s? '80s?
Yep, all have an evolution with car makers that have similar styling across the board.............
So, why would it be any different these days?