Out with the Automatic and in with the Tremec 5 speed

So I haven’t posted in a little while but the transmission is in with the clutch and the exhaust is back on. I did have a problem the Dupl-Color under coat after three day the stuff wasn’t dry and I touched it with my finger and it came right off. ( I’ll post a picture of the can for the stuff not to use it was **** and it came out brown not black ) So I scraped it off with a scraper and used some seem sealer around the edges and re-under coated it and it was fine.
When I put the shifter back down in the transmission the transmission has too hang down and you drop the shifter in through the top and put the bolts in from the bottom. The back two bolts are tightened with a wrench from the bottom and the other four bolts I got from the top with a quarter inch swivel socket from the top. I used #2 Permatex for the sealer on the top if you use silicone sealer you will never be able to get the shifter off if you needed to.
With the shifter in I just raised the transmission up into place and installed the cross member torqued everything to spec’s
I then installed the clutch master cylinder to the fire wall the problem here is there is a raised rib right where the two left side bolts go. So I made a small spacer to move the master cylinder back about a quarter inch. There should be enough adjustment in the master cylinder rod to make up for this and it makes getting the hydraulic line started a little easier.
If you install the hydraulic line with the bleeder facing down the line has a kink in it so I’m going to switch it to face up to make the line a smoother flow.
I also made a ground wire from the floor to the transmission and used the brown wire from the starter relay to go to the switch at the back of the transmission so the car will only crank in neutral, the speedometer cable is in as will that gives me some place to hold the brown wire up off the exhaust
Since I’m home sick right now I don’t know when I’ll get back to it I still need to make a bracket for the fluid reservoir that will clear the voltage regulator and not lay over the inner fender in case it leaks






