Father-Son 1974 Duster Project

Seats look great! What kind of dye?
I used duplicolor on the back seat and the front seat back in the summer. Back seat is perfect and was original to the car.
The front seat came from another members car and had some kind of sealer or tint on the original light tan.
Back when I did them the first time I cleaned them with paint thinner and sprayed them. As I used the car I got a few cracks in the front seat. Now I laid that stuff on heavy and I'll bet the front seat had 12 or more coats on it. It never dried even I guess due to the existing sealer on the vinyl.
I also knew I had to repair a couple seams that I was going to have an upholsterer do this winter. I decided to take off all the stain from the front seat and start over from the original vinyl surface. I stripped it off with lacquer thinner and paper towels. I sewed up the seams myself.
This time I used Duplicolor's adhesion promoter as directed, 3 light coats. I used Duplicolor's high performance vinyl stain this time as per the directions, 3 light coats.
You can tell it's stuck on there like glue and it looks great. I started with a well prepped surface this time....