Weight loss.

So, what has worked for you folks?

about 5 years ago i had enough of being fat and out of shape.

started going to a gym and doing group classes with a combo of weights and cardo work. can easily do this on your own but i found it was easier for me to stick with in a group.

i also started seeing a weight loss dietitian.. worked wonders..

biggest thing was portion control.. i lost 40 pounds eating all the same crap i always did only i ate the proper portions.. first few weeks it was hard as hell but the body adjusted and i went from 210 pounds to 175 from march to july that year went from a tight 34 waist jean to a 31/32 waist jeans..

since then the diet has gotten a lot healthier. the diet is nothing special but i have found out how to eat more for the same and many times less calories.. just balanced meals and proper portions.. lots of water too.. used to drink a ton of iced tea. now once in a while i'll share a glass of pepsi with jamie at dinner. just need that taste once in a blue moon.

breakfast is a must
small snack at 9am
lunch at noon
small snack at 3pm
dinner anywhere from 6pm-8:30pm for me.
i always leave room for my night cap ice cream:) only a 1/2 cup though.

as far as exercise goes start with the light weights now. nothing crazy but its never too early to start building lean muscle.. the muscle will burn calories just siting there pretty much..

since the initial weight loss i still follow the same diet only i eat more calories a day.. to lose i was at 1800 now i'm at about 2200-2400 to maintain... i also jumped into a strength class at the gym thats a lot of fun.. i put 10 pounds on but put it on in the right places.. i look better (looked way too skinny at 175) and feel a ton stronger so i keep myself at about 185-188 now. its a lot easier to stay that weight too.,., it was tough to stay at 175.

that sweat shirt is a XXL

that tee shirt is a Medium..

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