Weight loss.

oh and unless some medical condition forces it don't go too crazy too fast with the diet and cutting things out. people tend not to stick with it doing it like that.. start by changing a meal at a time. also allow yourself some pleasure food from time to time.. you cut it completely and not reward yourself from time to time you have a better chance of not sticking to it..

when we do vacation i usually eat all kinds of **** i don't normally eat. i still practice portion control but you better believe i'm eating good and getting dessert when we are out..:) dietitian always asks how i eat when i get home from vacation.. i'm like its right back to normal because i can easily fall back into my routine and have all my normal foods here at home.. she fine with that.,. says if you don't splurge once in a while chances are you wont stick with it.. apparently its hard for a lot of people to splurge for a week then resume a normal diet when they get home. its easy for me because i don't want to be fat again..lol

we love a local diner. i used to always get their chicken parm.. i'd kill some rolls, the chicken parm and its sides then dessert... now that same chicken parm makes three meals for me.. portion control helps the diet and saves a bunch of money too.. :)