Stop in for a cup of coffee

That sucks! I wonder if they would drive into a lake or off a cliff if the app told them to do it?

Years ago when GPS first came out my buddy was bragging about how accurate his was. He insisted that it could find a better way to the out of town dragstrip than the way I always went. So, we gave it a shot. Everything was going great until it sent us down a back road that I knew was a dead end... right into someone's driveway. So I made a point to pull up to their garage door and get out of the car yelling "We're here! We're here!" The guy runs out of the house screaming at us to get off his property. LOL! My buddy was silent the rest of the trip and never saw his GPS again!

I give better directions to my house than those GPS things can do... I know this area better than those programs... I grew up around here... :D