Weight loss.

Yes Sir, this is what has worked for me in the past. Some call it the Adkins diet. Sugar, in any form, is bad for your body. Have to watch as many things have a ton of sugar naturally. Sadly, for me a t least, eating a low carb diet is damn near impossible. One of the problems with having multiple mental health issues is I seek "comfort" in food. Most of my comfort foods are either high in carbs and/or sugar.
But one has to be realistic. Eating 0 carbs is very difficult, just restrict them. Same for sugar.
Don't even know if he is still around, when I lived in AZ I used to listen to a radio show, think the guys name was Lance Dreher. His "diet" was very similar to the Adkins plan, protein and fats. (Bacon was actually pushed, just not the store bought brand if I remember right). I followed his plan, went from a portly 301 pounds to a lean and trim 190 pounds of muscle. Ran & lifted 6-7 days a week. Often would do both.
One thing, if you change the way you eat saying you changed your diet is setting yourself up for failure. A diet is short term...just saying....
Best of luck to you.....

I totally agree...it is hard to completely cut out all carbs and sugar. I usually (daily) eat maybe 20-30 carbs/sugar each day. If you keep it below 30 you'll lose weight. But, like you said, you have to be careful. When I started on this journey I started reading all the ingredients on every container at the grocery store. Turns out that 95 percent of everything at the grocery store is full of carbs and sugar. My shopping cart would be almost empty when I checked out. Mostly meat (grass fed), green beans (very low carb), bacon, sausage, grapefruit, bananas, salads, low carb tortillas. I take numerous vitamins to compensate for not eating the sugary fruits (vitamins and minerals). I also take Citrucel to compensate for not eating enough fiber. The funny thing is that I also have Diverticulitis (inflammation of the lower intestine). Ever since I drastically cut back on sugar and carbs my Diverticulitis has completely gone away!!! I haven't been back to see my Gastroenterologist in years...and he told that there was nothing I could do about my condition (BULL!!!!). If you restrict your carbs and sugar your body will go into what's called "Ketosis". This a natural state that your body reverts to in order to survive when there's no food. Your body can actually survive on protein and fat "forever" once the body switches to Ketosis. Ketosis also allows the body to produce its' own anti-inflamatory substances (Ketones). This will help with arthritis, Diverticulosis, inflammation in the arteries or any other inflammation. If you research Ketosis you can read all about it....in the process you'll lose weight and actually get healthier. Did you know that Cancer cells thrive on sugar!! Did you also know that cancer cells can not grow in the presence of Ketones!!
Ketosis is not recommended for people who have Diabetes.
