Tractor work, I can do though. It looked like this when it came in. Not too bad for free though. Well, free plus a couple weeks of work and prob'ly a thousand bucks of tires, parts and supplies. I welded up the broken cast-iron dash, or at least as much of it as I had, with the mig, 25%/75% CO2-argon gas and .023 nickel alloy carbon steel wire. Then I cut and hammered out than new dash panel for it. People say it can't be done but it can as long as ya' concentrate high heat in very small areas for very short periods of time to get it to melt deep without shattering, and let it cool thoroughly before ya' weld more. My brother-in-law asked me how I welded it without cracking it and I said aw heck everybody knows ya' can't weld cast iron. So: Last week I had tractor parts all over Hoppy's garage and mine; this week it's Jeep parts. Ray is an inordinately patient guy and a very good friend. Before I move the mig outta his garage I'm gonna weld up his Dart exhaust and then we're gonna put the new wheel-opening patches on his Ram.