Weight loss.

I drive truck for a LTL company and have to go through a DOT physical every other year, except for me its yearly because of my blood pressure. I just went at the end of October and hit the scale at 301lbs. I about crapped myself. I decided then that i really need to do something. I used to eat 2 El Monterey Chimichangs for breakfast, lunch I would maybe get a 6" from subway, or Mcdonalds 1/4 ponder meal. Snacks throughut the day would be 2 granola bars and maybe 2 peanut butter nut bars. Then for dinner, depending on what was going on, maybe 2 more Chimichangas. Then I started to track my food. The Chimis are 38g carbs each. Crap! The wife and I food prep on Sundays for the week. So, now I have an Omelette bake (an omlette thats cooked in the oven) for breakfast. We make a 9"x9" pyrex of this and each portion is about 2 eggs. It has musrooms, onion, bell peppers and bacon (Yes, bacon is good for you). For Lunch I have a salad. It has some onion, bell peppers, Mushrooms and bacon. For dressing I use Ceaser. We now also make our own beef jerky which is what I snack on and I take salted peanuts. For dinner we have chicken, or steak or even a hamburger patty, no bread. I also use My Fitness Pal to track what I eat. When I first started following what I ate before the change, I was taking in 200+ grams of carbs daily. Now, 30 or less. In 3 months I have dropped 40lbs with no change in exercise. Staying away from breads and fast food. Basically following a Keto diet and it seems to be working for me. I still drink my Cherry Coke zero and Budweiser Platinum. If I was to cut those out, who knows, but lets not get crazy now. Just sharing what I have done and what my experiences are.

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AMAZING!!! Looks like you got it figured out.....and you're right, bacon IS good for you on a Keto diet as long as you don't go overboard on the portions!! But the Cherry Coke zero will mess with your A1C (sugar levels).
