Cell Phones and Driving

Okay, I understand that I'm not capable of driving while I'm holding a phone. And of course, I am capable of driving if the phone is not against my ear (wireless or blue toothed, or whatever). Yes, that was sarcasm.

However, if an officer issues a citation because he or she sees the driver holding a phone against their ear, how do they know that the driver was using it? Maybe they were just holding it against their ear. Maybe they had a (fill in the blank) against their ear. Could've been holding any one of a million things against their ear. Highly unlikely, but entirely possible. Maybe even just to mess with the officer. ;-)

If the burden of proof is on the officer, how do they prove that the driver was actually using the phone?

They don't care if you are actually using it or not, as they just go on the fact that if you are holding it you are guilty.
It's kind of the same thing as my Brother having a cigarette snuffer/container magnetically mounted on his motorcycle.
Even though he has this and uses it, if they see him with a cig in CA while on the bike they give an instant ticket because the assumption is that motorcycle smokers throw their cig on the ground.
He even showed the cop he has it and uses it, but they didn't care and he got the ticket.