Do ya 'eat to live' or do ya 'live to eat'?

I used to live to eat.

I stopped drinking Soda twenty years ago. Best decision I ever made, I'd weigh 500 pounds now. I still weigh 300 but for whatever reason it's fairly trim. Most wouldn't guess it.

But I notice as I get just doesn't taste as good. Asian food tastes like garbage now, unless it's Thai or handmade, but that buffet garbage? No Thanks. Fast food tastes like hell, too. Had a McD's cheeseburger that they accidentally threw in the bag, and it literally tasted like cardboard. I've been eating MRE's lately, they're easy and taste as good as anything else. The last Taco Bell I had was terrible in six dimensions; so bad I wanted to puke.

Unless I load my food with salt. So I am generally careful to watch the sodium. I should probably go to being vegetarian.