Converter lockup

Wow, all the auto trans experts on FABO and not one response. Should have asked what oil to run, then I'd get 100 responses, all different. Guess I'll try a Chevy board.

Both would be about perfect, but the best out of those choices would be the B&M kit and a separate adjustable vacuum switch like the Summit kit has.
The B&M kit is speedo driven only it looks like, but is nice and automatic so you don't have to touch anything.
That kit seems to only supply an on or off at settable speeds (between 30 and 90 mph) and no provision for kicking the lockup out when you step on the gas, like for hills or passing.
This is what the adjustable vac switch would do for you.

That way, when you are driving along in converter lockup and need to pass or climb a hill the vacuum switch can be set to kick out the lockup by breaking the electrical connection to the lockup solenoid depending on how much the engine vacuum drops when you step on it.
It can be set for anything between 6 and 22 inches of vacuum.

Here's one that Amazon carries.

Just in case you don't know already a lockup converter gives direct drive with no slippage and therefor dropping your RPM by about 300.
This increases fuel economy on the hiway due to not having the slippage of a regular converter.