.........Countdown to starvation

AJ is that $437.00 your CPP or your OAS ? it can't be both , I was out of the country for 12 years and didn't pay much in for 3 before that so I have a 15 year gap in my CPP and if I was 65 and retired today I would see about that much from CPP . If your retiring at 65 ? you should be able to collect your CPP plus the OAS .You should also be eligible for the GIS - Guaranteed income supplement which is based on your total income from all sources while receiving your OAS as long as your combined income is below a certain level .

PS I just did a check on the Service Canada site and if I was 65 today and retired I would receive $579 per month based on my contributions to date from CPP alone then I would also be eligible for OAS which is $583.74 base rate for a person who reported income of less than $114,185 on their 2017 taxes , mine based on my CPP pension earnings would work out to a combined OAS and GIS of $1077.20 per month on top of my CPP giving me $1656.20 per month to live on .
PPS . unfortunately I am only 55 so I have to work 10 more years before I can collect anything . Of course the rates will go up and my further contributions will also raise my benefit amount but we know it's a zero sum game at best when indexed for inflation .