Gerahead's 71 Dart

I had about a half dozen of the ribs in the cowl vent that had been pushed in slightly. You could feel it and worse yet, see it. I could not reach them from the back side so I have been trying to figure out a way to lift them back up for quite a while. I decided to finally give it a go. What I finally settled on was to loop so hefty zip ties around the "ribs" that needed lifting. I have a radiator hose tool designed to break the bond around the hose and the radiator fitting. Was is nice about this tool is that it has a bend in it that I could use for a fulcrum. I placed a short piece of 2x4 across between the firewall and the windshield channel. Then I threaded the tool through the zip tie loop, placed the fulcrum bend on the 2x4 and pry the rib upwards. Once I got it close, I could either just pull on the zip tie with my hand or press down on the ribs with my fingers to fine tune their position. Mission accomplished. It worked out a little easier that I thought it would! L8r


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