Engine swap

Same timing cover and waterpump??

Same - same....new but same dimensions on the pump.

OP, just a thought: Is there a shroud there that you cannot get the fan and clutch past? If so, then loosen the shroud and pull up, put in the fan/clutch, and drop both shroud and fan/clutch in place and tighten them up.

I wonder if you had old sagging mounts before, which lowered the engine and let the fan/clutch come out past the shroud before, and now you have the engine sitting higher with new mounts, and that 'gap' under the top edge of the shroud has closed up.

I wish it was that...the fan and clutch will not go into the space. There is a shroud, but I have it hanging on the pump and out of the way.

Beats me. I am about to throw a direct drive fan and spacer on it and start driving.
