Stop in for a cup of coffee

When I worked in downtown Memphis, we used to pick up all the spent bullets in the parking lot from the weekend that had bounced of the building and turn them into the police.

I swear that town was like living in a war zone sometimes. We actually watched a gun fight with police in a parking lot across the street one day.
Never was that regular or that bad where I am. We'd hear shots a lot but rarely a front row seat like that. And shooting at the police has always been pretty rare.

One of the better gunshot stories - mid 90s. Setting. Middle of the night. This a row of brick houses, brick twins behind us with big yards and an abondoned lot on the back corner.
There's a string of shots that wake me up. Loud and close. From the back yards - probably. No follow up sounds. Of course I call the cops, and go back to bed.
Talking with nieghbor the next morning. She said she called 911 - told them she was woken by gunshots.
911Operator:"Did you see anything?"
Neighbor: "I saw my pillooow. I was sleeping!"