Stop in for a cup of coffee

What did he drag in this time Krazy ?

I let him out to do his business... He did both...

I let him in and he still had more left.... Having an accident in the living room.... I tried to tell him to go back out and he wouldn't.... I had to grab him by his collar and lead him out the door as it kept coming....

If he would have listened to me and went out I wouldn't have had such a big mess to clean up....

I was going to make him stay out while I get ready for work, but I haven't given him his heart worm or flea treatments this spring yet...

He also barked me awake while I was napping in my recliner (which helps my back) earlier this morning because he doesn't like sleeping on his bed on the floor out there and prefers to sleep in my bed... I wouldn't let him in my room after that because I want to teach him that if he keeps waking me up to go to the room, he won't be able to go in the room.... If I keep letting him wake me up, he will keep doing it... I DECIDE WHERE WE SLEEP AND WHEN, NOT HIM....