Stop in for a cup of coffee

I am sure my turn is coming , Buddy is entering his 9th year, he does great so far, if we leave he will not drink until we return, but when we do return he sounds like a horse drinking, he gets left inside 6 or more hours some days when we are gone, my sons come over two times a day to let him out..
Holley is 3 1/2. Don't do it often, but she had gone as much as 10 hours without an accident.

Mine is 12 1/2... Been very good, averaged only one accident per year until now... He was good at holding it and if he did have an accident was good enough to go on the front entrance room where there is slate floor and it's easy to clean/wipe up....
Times she couldn't make it mostly as a pup almost always went on a hard floor:thumbsup:

Going on 13 years old !!! you are the man Krazy I know how you love these fuzzy/four legged friends ( as do I ) Don't be to ruff :D on em :thumbsup:
Our last on made it to almost 15. Did good till near the end. then went downhill fast. :(

That's 80 something in doggie years. I betting I'll be shitting my pants at that age... (If I don't drink myself to death first!)
So a lot like a 'good' weekend? :poke:

Harley sits in the windowsill till I return pretty funny actually.
Holley usually greets us at the door. But sleeps in our bed most of the time. Now sometimes she's like a little princess with a do not disturb sign on the door. We will be in the house and halfway down the hall before she will get moving to greet us.

The cold winter months are hard , Boxer's don't do well in the cold, but the HOT summer months are worse,
This one doesn't seem to care unless it's extreme temps.