Stop in for a cup of coffee

The well known I stopped reading his posts long ago. The other fella is OK, but the threads he started recently do reveal more than I wanted to know. I'm not posting in any of them. It was funny when someone was surprised that a person could be a believer and be very technically anal. I encountered that at my first engineering job. Several born agains, and also very good techs.
Reminds me of a funny story of Thomas Edison's bigotry.
The ones that always blew my mind were the devout creationists that work as archeologists. They just refuse to believe any archeological evidence of anything older than the age they believe the planet is according to their faith. Anything that appears to be older than that they believe was just created when the earth was born.

I could never reconcile how it was logical that the earth was created with fossils that appear to be millions of years old just for our entertainment. Yet, somehow they had no problem accepting that.