Elongated Skulls Could be Proof of Alien Life Here!

For me, being a descent compassionate person has worked pretty well so far. I may not be on the same page as everyone, but I figure if I respect people's right to go their own way...
That is commendable
but it won't get you into the New Kingdom.
Of course not every one wants to go there. That is their freewill. But the thing that scares me is that God's Word says that before the Goats are destroyed, they will have to suffer in their bodies for the sins they committed. Now think about what that might mean. Would a murderer have to endure a like murder, yet not die? IDK. Cuz remember the Lake of Fire is called the Second Death, not the third fourth or the 200th if he is a mass murderer. If he was just a liar, but his lies led to the death of others, would the liar have to suffer those deaths? IDK. What kind of suffering would an adulterer have to suffer? IDK. But what about the first 4 commandments? How about blashphemers ,and idol worshipers, or those who partook of abortions? IDK.
But whatever it is, you can bet it won't be pleasant. And I for one will do everything I can to escape that chit. That is to say, get on the narrow path confessing Jesus before men,as my Savior and being obedient to God's Laws and Commands, and enduring to the end, so that I can be in the Sheep line..
One cannot get into heaven by good works,lest any man should boast. In the end the rich men will be throwing their Gold into the streets, for it will not buy them a ticket in.So you cannot buy your way in either. Nor will reciting the sinner's prayer. There is exactly one way in, and it starts with; believing and confessing that Jesus is the prophesied Savior.That His blood was the atoning sacrifice for your sins, cuz there is no remission of sins without the shedding of blood. And then you have to repent of your former wicked ways. But you say, you were not wicked, you were a good person. Well Jesus knows better. He says there is none Good, except the Father. Jesus says our hearts are wicked above all things. Futhermore, many of us are bearing sin-curses handed down from our rebellious fathers, perhaps all the way back to Adam. Every deed ,good or evil,you ever did ,is recorded in a Book. On Judgement Day, you,as will I, be judged on those works, and rewarded accordingly.The goats according to the evil deeds found in the Book, and the Sheep according to the righteous things found in the Book. That is what is written. That is not AJs interpretation. God made us, and God made the rules. You either play by the rules and win everlasting life; or you have free-choice to rebel and go to destruction; it is just that simple. I choose Life!