Elongated Skulls Could be Proof of Alien Life Here!

If God created just Adam and eve. Who had cane and able.
Then cane killed able.
That left us with Adam, eve , and cane to populate the earth?
Do I have that right.
No. Adam didn't just stop having kids. Remember there was no birth control and Adam and Eve were commanded to be fruitful and multiply.And you can bet a dollar Adam was gung-ho about that. The Bible skips ahead on this subject, only touching on the highlights.
I know where you may be going, with your fishing, but you'll have to wait until Judgement Day to ask God about the rest of the details, if it still matters to you on that day.
But take heart, that Day may not be that far into the future. There are probably millions of people ahead of you waiting to ask the same question.
I am not one of them.