Elongated Skulls Could be Proof of Alien Life Here!

elongated skulls
as already mentioned, these cannot be 100% human, because of the numerous differences found, and specifically where the spine enters the head. No human has ever had the spine that far back. Further those skulls are missing a plate, every last one of them. And what pray-tell orchestrates how and where all these things are supposed to be? Hyup it's the DNA. So if all the elongated skulls bear no proper resemblance to human skulls, and they are far larger than normal or even large, human skulls,and they are often and usually found with matching sized skeletons; what is one to conclude? Well I don't know about you but alien never entered my mind. I immediately thought very large beings. And since I already knew about the Giants of Genesis 6, well they have to be those right? Sounds logical to me.So that led me to a very long search to find out everything I could about Giants.
The world over we have evidence of huge megalithic structures built to extremely accurate tolerances out of the hardest and heaviest rocks known to man. Well giants need giant homes right? And giant cities and giant houses of worship. Right? And we have historical records of giants living alongside normal humans. And even giant animals.
So what's harder to believe; that these giants came from outerspace, or that these giants originated right here on earth just as the earthly records tell?
Each belief requires faith. I chose to believe the Biblical narrative.