Stop in for a cup of coffee

Sid you see where Deleware is running a pilot program.
They want to do away with gas tax and charge mileage instead.

So how does that work with out if state drive rs?
Yeah, more fuel efficient cars means lower tax revenues. They are all just trying to figure out how to keep the money rolling in.

The pilot programs are all still in the early stages, running off of grant money. It’s the age old problem of figuring out how to divide up the revenues from interstate commerce when each state has open borders that they can’t restrict travel through. It’s the same issue with sales taxes across the state borders. Delaware has no sales tax so people drive there and make purchases and the state they are from gets no tax revenue for the sale.

I wonder how long it will take for the states to recognize that they need to band together and make it all universal? This whole republic of states thing just doesn’t work in the modern era like it did 100 years ago.