Stop in for a cup of coffee

If this were my company, I would be taking far better care of the people than they are...despite the claims that they are doing all they can for everyone to have a “soft landing”.

I have spent 9 years making the core technology a success with innovative approaches to development and building first-of-kind equipment and facilities to make the products commercially both within the US and in Puerto Rico.

4 new drugs, developed from prototype to full commercial scale...approved for sale in the US and around the globe in 15 countries. The products have generated over $500 million in revenues to date, but the management has failed to make it profitable across 3 companies that are selling the drugs.

Yet somehow, they still want to marginalize me and think they are the smartest people in the room as they ride their failure into oblivion.

Am I bitter?

Yup, you bet I am...dumbasses.