Stop in for a cup of coffee

You dint try to buck the Army/National Guard "system" didja?
Not really buck the system, but use the system against themselves. Success is yet to be determined but prospects are good
Sort of he did. Just the red tape mess......
more like red quick sand

There's just enough Army in the Army Corps of Engineers that I learned quickly not to rock their boat. Even if your method was better than theirs.
12 years in the Navy. Don't have to tell me....... Those dumb *** lieutenants ! 90 day wonders!!! "You need to do it like this" "I have been doing it this way, per manual, for 10 years!". "Don't countermand me"! Crap..........:BangHead: When it messes up, "why did you do it like this?" LT. whoever told me to. "dont listen to those dumb *** guys again" OK. Till the next time.....All over again! :BangHead::BangHead:
common sense is not common in the military