"Nova" has finally joined the far left fringe retardville preposterosness

There are two camps; yours and mine, and never shall one convince the other. I'm no longer interested in that truth, I've moved on.
I'm just stirring the pot, cuz, well, I like thinking outside the box. And I am deeply comforted to think my creator can see me from his vantage point just a few thousand miles away,atop the firmament....... rather than desperately chasing after the Earth zooming thru space at umteen thousands of thousands of miles per hour.
Careful on what to say. Remember the last thread? If you believe in Truth (B) and do not go along with
Truth (A) then the thread will get shut down. I will go with Truth (B). Everything is designed.

Extreme indoctrination example is even most scientist do not know is Tectonic Plates. There's NO subductions
of plates. Never observed and mathematically IMPOSSIBLE! This is imagination to set the mind for
millions of years to help make the theory of Evolution possible.

Another one is the dinosaur museums do not display birds as they DO find birds in the same layers
as dinosaurs (Penguins/flamingos and parrots) to name a few. Birds today use to be dinosaurs millions of millions of years ago < this is imagination and is NOT science!

Indoctrination happens to children when young and are like a giant sponge. Pick a dinosaur book
for children and the first things is "millions and millions of years ago". Get them young.

Old dog new trick? Very hard to relearn after all the years of this.