"Nova" has finally joined the far left fringe retardville preposterosness

How do u know !?!
How do you know what?
A) The new thing in science is multiple universes to keep the thought of other life out there
B) because there is no way they will accept a creator
If you're thinking B) That's almost an easy answer; it is written;No one comes to the Creator unless God first draws him.And I can attest that in my case I was 40 years old, and the drawing force became irresistible.
Furthermore there are two groups of people in this experiment; those descended from Adam's seed, and those of the serpent seed, and you can read all about that in Genesis. Serpent seed has no chance at salvation; read all about that in Book of Enoch. And that leaves just the seed of Adam; and we have free choice to believe in a Creator or not. But once you have accepted the modern Science presentations of BigBang, Evilution, and a Spherical Earth, that's a triple whammy to have to overcome. For 25 years I have presented the Gospel to hundreds of individuals and never has just one person broken free. No one has ever said tell me more.
So Ima thinking the serpent seed outnumbers us about 50 to 1 by now. And of those less than 1 in 100 will accept a Creator-God, and of those I suspect less than 1 in 10 will convert, and of those I bet not 1 in 10 will understand that there ain't no rapture, and therefore take steps to figure it out. So that might make maybe 1 in 500,000persons believes that Torah is still to be obeyed today . That makes about 16,000 actual Torah observant Christian Believers existing in the world today. And even that might be optimistic, because; it is written that when Jesus returns, He asks "will I find any?" How many is any? Ima thinking more than zero....... but it's hard to say.It might be 144,000 plus the half-dozen guys I have met