"Nova" has finally joined the far left fringe retardville preposterosness

I don't know anything about multiverses, but
I know about another dimension, or possibly more than one other dimension. Or more concisely, I believe there is at least one other dimension.
One of them is where the spirits of the dead giants were condemned to wander....... as evil spirits.
Another may be where satan and his minions dwell.
Another may be what is written as "outer darkness"
These other dimensions may in fact be on the same plain we are in , but we just don't have eyes to see them. IDK. We are all struggling to understand it. But God commands us not to practice divination, nor sorcery, nor ancestor worship, nor spiritism, etc. on pain of exclusion from the NewKingdom. What's He talking about? God is talking about us communicating with these evil spirits and devils that dwell in these invisible-to-us dimensions.
So I get that there are unbelievers on this earth. And I get that they could care less about God. That doesn't make Him any less real. But these unbelievers invent imaginations far more complicated than a simple Creator-God. And sometimes these unbelievers willingly submit themselves to "possession" by these evil entities; and then those entities can run amok with the bodies of their hosts;and they do.
So Christians say there is evil in this world, but they don't give much thought as to where it comes from. Book of Enoch tells us a lot about that. But do they read it? Nooo, that's taboo! they say. That's occultic! they say. Well they dismiss most of the OT too, as having been done away with. Oh those poor Christians, led by poor blind and crippled teachers. It is written;the blood of their lost will be on their heads.