4 Speed Conversion

I live in Ontario Canada. I have a 1970 340 Automatic Duster with console. But I long for a 4 speed. Does anyone have a guesstimation of what it would cost to convert an automatic to a 4 speed. What kind of shop would be able to do this? I have the tranny, petals and drive shaft from a 1973 340 Duster I used to own. Rest her soul.
You are most of the way there; In Canadian bucks, another $2500 should get it done with change back.
But you will probably want to go up one rear gear size to compensate for the lack of the TC off-the-line hit. And your SG will probably want to be tightened up.
I have done this swap a few times,Pm me if you like.
The list in post #9 is pretty extensive.
Check your lowgear ratio to see if it hopefully is a 2.66