Distance between LCA bumper and frame.

What Tim said.

Totally depends on what size torsion bars you have. The larger the diameter of the torsion bar, the less distance you’ll need.

It also depends on the bump stop. The factory rubber bump stops are progressive, so, hitting the bump stop isn’t as harsh as if you’re running a polyurethane button style bump stop. The factory basically used the bump stops as part of the suspension. With a little polyurethane bump stop you’re just using it to keep the suspension from going metal on metal. So if you have poly bump stops, you don’t want to hit them very frequently.

With stock torsion bars at the factory ride height, you pretty much need all of that distance from the LCA to the frame. With 1.12” bars and poly bump stops, I run a little less than 1” of clearance between the bump stop and frame. If you want to run less than that, you need bigger bars. If you run smaller bars than that, you’ll need more space.

So, what torsion bars do you have?