How much stall is to much for a mainly street car

Like stated. There is no set number.

Years ago rule of thumb was no more then 3000 for the street.

Now in the year 2018 that’s all changed. Converter technology has come a long long way. You can run a high stall and still have it act like a stock converter on the street. They are so efficient these days. The one I had in my yellow dart would flas to 3800 but if you drove it on the street you would think it was stock till you mashed the throttle and the thing took off like a bat out of hell. The on in our present dart flashes to something like 3500 if I remember. Car has a 2.94 gear in it and has awesome street manors with that 9 1/2” converter in it.

Bottom line. Call a good converter company like dynamic or ultimate and see what they will put together for ya. Not gonna be cheap but well worth it. Be 100% honest when you answer the questions they ask about your combo and intenddd use.