"Nova" has finally joined the far left fringe retardville preposterosness

Are you talking to me, or just mumbling under your breath because you have no God. If you are addressing me ; I couldn't give a rat's azz about your beliefs, just as you don't believe about mine. The Sheep hear the voice of the Shepherd, and know where their home is. The Lawless ones are the ones who feel condemnation every time they hear someone like me confess Jesus as Lord...... because God wrote His Law on your heart, so that you would know the Way. But you willfully deny God, and so willfully go down to the pit, that's your free choice. As a Believer My God says that If I do not confess Jesus before men, then neither will He confess me before God. So if you are rubbing shoulders with Christians, and they are not confessing Jesus,to appease your ego, then that is to their condemnation. You won't get that from me. And I don't care about your opinion of me. I'm not here to win you over. Many are called, few are chosen. It's not my job to make converts. It is my job to speak up for Jesus. If God has not called you, only you can do something about that.
As for me I will continue to confess Jesus, to my dying breath, So that God Almighty will recognize me when I approach His Throne on Judgement Day.So that when He opens the Books, I will receive my rewards. Perhaps I will be a footstool in heaven. Perhaps I will receive a Kingdom of my own. Perhaps I will be a farmer or a sandal-maker; I Don't Care. I just want to make it there. So if God says to confess His Son before men then I'm on it!
As to my Belief; it is grounded and rooted in experience. Every Believer is tried and tested by God; NOW, HERE, on this earth, to see if they will pass muster. I have been tried. I have been tested. I know about the evil one and his disciples. I have seen evil spirits . I have been touched . They have tried to terrorize me. They are not figments of my imagination. I whupped their azzes. They went back to their dimension and regrouped. He brought seven buddies, and I whipped all their azzes.But not with my own strength, but with the Word of God. They don't come around any more cuz I laid down the Law to them. God's Law. They have to obey. They don't have free-choice about that.
But you're right; I have not seen God, nor heard His voice. Why is that? Cuz He's not here anymore! He is in His home with His son Jesus, waiting for the fullness of the Gentiles. For evil to be maxed out. But when Jesus ascended into Heaven with many witnesses, He sent the Holy Spirit. So goodness is still in the world, to help us conquer evil. To help us overcome the trials and tribulations of the world. To perform Gods Word wherever He hears it.

But if I jumped to a wrong conclusion regarding your thinly veiled admonition,then please forgive me, I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings. May the God of Creation look down upon you,and reveal His love to you.... Cuz you ain't getting any from me.