Stop in for a cup of coffee

Fly-by done... :steering:

Not much time this week with work and the kid... He hit a pot hole on his way home from work on Saturday night and fixed it on the road... Then as he was pulling in the driveway, the CV joint blew on that same corner... The bolts were rusted in and stripped, so we had to take it to our local shop to get fixed...

And then the tire to the tire shop so they could weasle out of the road hazard warranty saying it is only good for 3 years... WTF??? :wtf: :BangHead: :icon_fU:

We're going to start looking for another tire shop... :icon_fU: :icon_fU: :icon_fU: :mob:

The repair shop was able to fix the axle before the tire shop could fix his loose tire... Another WTF.... :wtf: :BangHead:

Only got 4 hours sleep on Tuesday and trying to catch up all week.... :BangHead:

I'm already over 40 hours at work for the week, so today is all OT pay!!! :thumbsup:

I should be able to get a good 9 hours in.... :steering: