Suicide? Don’t do it, seek help...please!

i dont know what leads a person to take their own lives but the fact that some many veterans do it, leads me to believe PTSD may play a role in it (i just finished reading a book by Medal of Honor recipient Sammie Davis and he mentioned a fellow recipient who killed himself, i believe he was in his 40s)

to say that Jesus is the answer, might not cover the whole issue (after all, Elijah who was a hero for God, got so depressed he asked God to kill him) but i do believe the Christian live, lived out in the manner the Bible prescribes is the only healthy way to live

(im trying not to get preachy here, but accepting Jesus as your Savior, also means satan is now actively your enemy, and he will oppose you. if he can place thoughts of suicide in your mind, he will)
that is one of the reasons why it is so important to get into church once you get saved, because that is where you will find the support (exhortation) you need